The Nuns working at the Center

The Internal running and the management of the Geriatric Stucture is entrusted to the Sisters of the Congregation of "Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy", with Rev.Sr. Dr. Mary Anne Nwiboko as the Director General of the Center and Rev. Sr. Graziella Nwazuluoke for Religious Assistance.

The Sisters of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy (D.M.M.M.) have been working in this structure for almost 17 years. The Ist group of Sisters arrived on the 6th of January 1997 -  Rev. Srs. Arinzechukwu Anyaso and Mary Anne Nwiboko. The Sisters also have been collaborating with the Parish Priest now, the Rector of the Holy Family of Nazareth's Church. The apostolate of the Sisters in the Center consists of the following; Direction and organisation of the Center, giving spiritual and material assistance to the aged and their family members based on the christian charity exercised in a familiar enviroment, animation of prayers, organisation of recreational activities, all done to achieve the goal of which the Center was created.

The D.M.M.M. Congregation was chosen for the apostolate of this Center because of her CHARISM and SPIRITUALITY – which is based on the five virtures of; Charity, Humility, Prayer, Penance and Abandonement to the will of God (the virtues of Ain Karim).

The members endeavour to live out these virtues in thiere communiies and and the various apostolates they are engaged in: Orphanges, Hospitals, care Homes, Schools, Colleges and Universities and Pastoral activities.

The Center recongnises in such assistance a significant element indispensible for the Center's activity and existence.

Prayer to Mary Mother of Mercy honoured at Centro Anziani “Ain Karim” Carlentini.

O Immaculate and  ever-glorious Virgin Mary! Mother of Mercy! Ever bountifu, ever  loving,
Behold we your children, prostrate before Thee, in all humlity, most earnestly implore Thee to be our protectress and advocate with Jesus our Saviour, to obtain for us those graces and blessings which may best conduce to His greater glory and for our own sanctification.

O powerful Virgin, Mother of Mercy and Comfort of the afflicted, protect the Seniors Centre Ain Karim.
To you we entrust our guests with their relatives, professionals and donors.
We put also the priests and religious.
We want everything that is in us, all that is around us belongs to you and share the benefits of your motherly blessing.
Finally we promise to put our whole being in the service of your kingdom in order to ensure, through Your Mercy, the triumph of Christ our Savior in our souls and that of all men. Help us to always be beside you and with those who bear the image of Your Son, O Mother of all and our hope. Amen.


Mary Mother of Mercy, pray for us!